15 Decorative DIY Accents That Will Make Your Garden Stand Out

15 Decorative DIY Accents That Will Make Your Garden Stand Out

Stop wasting money on expensive mass-produced garden ornaments. Instead, create your own beautiful and unique decorative items that will help you express your personality in your garden.

Here we present you 15 fun and creative garden accent ideas that anyone can incorporate into their garden, regardless of its size or complexity.

1. Bottle Cap Flowers

Bottle Cap Flowers

Do you have old bottle caps lying around the house? If so, put them to good use by making these pretty bottle cap flowers. (Tutorial: Never Enough Thyme)

2. Concrete Planters

Concrete Planter

These cute concrete planters will look fantastic anywhere you place them. They’re quick and easy to make and very inexpensive. (Tutorial: Instructables)

3. Clay Pot Critters

Clay Pot Critters

Flower pots in a variety of sizes, colorful paint, and a few accessories and you have some really cute critters. (Tutorial: PlaidOnline)

4. Gazing Balls with Glass Pebbles

Gazing Balls with Glass Pebbles

Create these easy & fun gazing balls using a smoothfoam balls and pebbles from the dollar store. (Tutorial: Smoothfoam)

5. DIY Garden ­Mushrooms

Garden Mushrooms

(Tutorial: Birds & Blooms)

6. Butterfly Garden Ornaments

Butterfly Garden Ornaments

Jazz up your garden fence by making these cute butterflies using tin foil, glue, and paint. (Tutorial: BugabooCity)

7. Painted Rock Garden Markers

Painted Rock Garden Markers

Rocks and outdoor paint is all you will need to create these colorful garden markers that will add a bright, unique touch to any planting space. (Tutorial: Crafts by Amanda)

8. Teapot Garden Feature

Teapot Garden Feature

Use an old china teapot, cup and saucer to make this whimsical teapot garden feature that is sure to impress your friends and family. (Tutorial: Confessions of a Serial DIYer)

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