10 Seriously Useful Gardening Tips for Beginners

Are you new to gardening or thinking about growing a garden for the first time? Gardening is a great hobby. You get your exercise and fresh air, plus a sense of accomplishment that you can grow your own food. We’ve compiled a list of simple tips for gardening beginners to start your gardening journey.

Hard to dig? Moisten the ground around plants a few hours before starting digging and the job will be much easier.

Place a few plastic forks around your plants
I Must Garden

Use plastic forks to keep pets and animals from destroying your plants.

Place a diaper in the bottom of your potted plant
The Hidden Pantry

Put a disposable diaper in the bottom of your potted plants to retain moisture so you can spend less time watering your container garden.

Line your pots with coffee filters
The Cottage Market

Line your pots with coffee filters to prevent soil from spilling out of the bottom.

No wheelbarrow? No worries! Use a tablecloth to move heavy bags of mulch or other awkward loads.

Adding Epsom salt to your soil before planting vegetables gives it a boost of magnesium

Adding Epsom salt to your soil before planting vegetables gives it a boost of magnesium. You can also sprinkle Epsom salt around your plants for healthier foliage.

add Eggshells to the Garden
Garden Up Green

Grind some eggshells and sprinkle them in your garden. Eggshells are rich in calcium and will help promote growth in your garden.

Adding coffee grounds to your soil and compost mixes will add to the acidity of the soil.

My Roman Apartment

Repurpose your used lemon rinds as biodegradable containers for seedlings. Hollowed lemon rinds make an excellent vessel for starting your plants from seed.

Mini Greenhouse
Whole Lifestyle Nutrition

Protect your seedlings from frost or pest by creating a greenhouse using the top of a milk jug.

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