18 Amazing Ways To Use Wood Slices in Home Decoration

Wondering what to do with all those logs and wood slices you have lying around?

18 Amazing Ways To Use Wood Slices in Home Decoration #HomeDecor

There are plenty of uses for these rustic yet beautiful cross-sections of wood. Here are some examples of how you can turn wood slices into creative art piece for your home. From wreaths, serving trays to wall art – there is something for everyone.

1. Create this rustic coffee table

Create this rustic coffee table

Tutorial at Burkatron

2. Make these fun taxidermy plaques using toy animals, spray paint and wood slices

Make these fun taxidermy plaques using toy animals, spray paint and wood slices

Tutorial at Pointless Pretty Things

3. Create a beautiful wreath

Create a beautiful wreath

Tutorial at Finding Home Farms

4. Painted wood slice wall art

Painted wood slice wall art

Tutorial at Meet the B’s

5. Make a colorful tray

Make a colorful tray

Tutorial at She Makes a Home

6. Wooden placemats

Make some wooden placemats

Via: Wedding Chicks

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