16 Outstanding DIY Garden Planter Boxes

If you want to add decorative plants to your household, planter boxes could be used effectively for this purpose. Planter boxes are a great choice for both gardeners who have small backyards, and for gardeners who don’t have much time to spend working in their garden.

16 Outstanding DIY Garden Planter Boxes #Gardening

Instead of buying planter boxes, check out this collection of gorgeous planter box ideas and make your own! You’ll sure to find the perfect design to match your style.

1. Two-towered planter box bench

Two-towered planter box bench

Tutorial via Shanty 2 Chic

2. Rustic Split Rail Planter Box

Rustic Split Rail Planter Box

Tutorial via Premeditated Leftovers

3. Modern concrete paver planter

Modern concrete paver planter

Tutorial via The Wood Grain Cottage

4. Simple window planter box

Simple window planter box

Tutorial via Woodworking Corner

5. Raised planter for your patio

Raised planter for your patio

Tutorial via Lowes

6. Small-space planter box

Small-space planter box

Tutorial via Sunset

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