25 Cool Things You Can Make With Buttons

Buttons can do much more than just keep clothes closed!

25 Cool Things You Can Make With Buttons

The button crafts is a fun activity for kids and adults. Using small or large colorful buttons you can decorate your home, accessories and clothes in chic and stylish way. All of these projects are relatively simple and require only a beginning knowledge of crafting.

Here are 25 button craft ideas that you can easily make at home by yourself. Have fun!

1. Make Simple Art

Make Simple Art

Tutorial via: Torie Jayne

2. Create Beautiful Button Statement Rings

create beautiful statement rings

Tutorial via: Miss Kris

3. Make These Adorable Ruffle Fabric Flowers

Make these adorable ruffle fabric flowers

Tutorial via: The Crafting Chicks

4. Make This Button Necklace Using Buttons

Make This Button Necklace Using Buttons

Tutorial via: Twobutterflies

5. Make Some Cute Button Bookmarks

Make Some Cute Button Bookmarks

Tutorial via: I Heart Nap Time

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