10 Creative Ways to Reuse Old Socks

10 Creative Ways to Reuse Old Socks #DIYideas

Did you know that you can do more with socks than just put them on your feet? From housekeeping to home accessories, socks can serve a variety of purposes.

So instead of throwing them out, check out these 10 creative ways how you can reuse worn out or old socks.

1. Create a sleek phone armband with an old sock

Create a sleek phone armband with an old sock

Cut off foot of sock and turn sock inside out. Pull up over your arm, fold a pocket and slide iphone in. (image via Pinterest)

2. Make this super cute baby gift using only a onesie and a pair of socks

Make this super cute baby gift using only a onesie and a pair of socks

(Tutorial via Maggie Over by Studios)

3. Make an adorable sock cat

make an adorable sock cat

(Tutorial via Professor Pincushion)

4. Finger-less gloves made from socks

Finger-less gloves made from socks

(Tutorial via We Lived Happily Ever After)

5. Use an old sock to make a mug cozy

Use an old sock to make a mug cozy

(Tutorial via Splash of Something)

6. Make your own Swiffer cleaning pad that you can wash and reuse countless times

Make your own Swiffer cleaning pad that you can wash and reuse countless times

The cotton sock will effectively pick up dust and dirt, leaving your floors spotless. (via An English Accent)

7. Transform an old sock in to a brand new sleeve for your phone

Transform an old sock in to a brand new sleeve for your phone

(Tutorial via Tuts+)

8. Dress up your flower pots with colorful socks to brighten up your space

Dress up your flower pots with colorful socks to brighten up your space

(via Stagetecture)

9. Create a fun and colorful sock wreath

create a fun and colorful sock wreath

Tutorial via Blue Cricket Design

10. Save money on your energy bill this Winter by making a draft stopper made of socks

Save money on your energy bill this Winter by making a draft stopper made of socks

(Tutorial via Garden Therapy)

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