16 Creative, Easy and Fun Things To Do with Fabric Scraps

16 Creative, Easy and Fun Things To Do with Fabric Scraps

If you have lots of fabric scraps leftover from other projects, don’t throw them away! Instead, put them to good use with these fun and creative DIY projects! Whether you have little tiny fabric scraps and trimmed edges or larger remnants you wish to use, these scrap fabric projects offer a little something for everyone. Enjoy!

1. iPod Holder

iPod Holder

Make a simple iPod holder using scraps. Perfect to wear to the gym! (Tutorial via Design Fixation)

2. Patchwork Quilt

Patchwork Quilt

You can snuggle up with it on the sofa when you read a book or watch a movie, use it as a picnic blanket, a baby blanket, or even as a tablecloth overlay. (Tutorial via The Wonder Forest)

3. Handmade Rag Rug

Handmade Rag Rug

This craft project is an adorable way to spruce up a bedroom. It will take a little bit of time to make, but it’s inexpensive and easy requiring no sewing or technical skills. (Tutorial via Our Everyday Art)

4. Fabric Scrap Mousepad

Fabric Scrap Mousepad

Refresh an old mousepad with a new fabric cover. (Tutorial via Sailrite)

5. Alphabet Fridge Letters

fabric fridge letters

These DIY fabric alphabet magnets are great for helping kids with the alphabet. (Tutorial via The Everyday Jayne)

6. Scrap Fabric Twine

scrap fabric twine

Turn that pile of fabric scraps into pretty and practical twine. Perfect for gift wrapping and other craft projects. (Tutorial via My Poppet)

7. Fabric Scrap Wreath

fabric scrap wreath

Make a colourful rainbow scrap fabric wreath to brighten up your door! (Tutorial via GnomeAngel)

8. Fabric Scrap Bowl

fabric scrap bowl

Sew up a sweet and soft coiled bowl to stow all your notions, buttons, jewelry, or other small trinkets. (Tutorial via Radiant Home Studio)

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