25 Ways To Repurpose Plastic Bottles

You don’t have to take plastic bottles to a recycling center to recycle them. You can repurpose them in your own home. With a little creativity you can use them to make household accessories, fashion items and much more. Here are some of our favorite creative reuse ideas for plastic bottles:

1. Soda Bottle Bird Feeder

2. Mini Greenhouse


3. Soda Bottle Desk Organizer


4. Jewelry Stand

Jewelry Stand
via Epbot

5. Plastic Bottle Gift Boxes


6. Plastic Bottle Flowers

7. Plastic Bottle Lanterns


8. Cat Flower Pot


9. Candle Holder


10. Plastic Bottle Vases


11. Grocery Bag Holder


12. Hanging Planters


13. Water Bottle Piggy Banks


14. Outdoor Party Lights


15. Self-Watering Seed Starter Pots


16. Bottle Tower Garden


17. Soda Bottle Garden Sprinkler


18. Pet Feeder


19. Plastic Bottle Chandelier


20. Plastic Bottle Bracelets


21. Coke Bottle Terrarium


22. Coffee Creamer Containers Reused into Storage Containers


23. Watering Can


24. Trash Can Made of Plastic Bottles


25. DIY Plastic Bottle Candy Stand

Know someone who would love to give one of these ideas a go? Share the post with them and together we can reduce the number of plastic bottles that are harming our beautiful planet.

25 Ways To Repurpose Plastic Bottles

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