10 Fantastic DIY Garden Projects You Can Do on a Budget

Your garden is so dull and boring? Let’s do something about it. Take a look at these 10 awesome ideas that will upgrade your garden to next level.

1. Pallet Walkway

Create your own wood pallet garden walkway, perfect for keeping your feet dry and weeds at bay.

Pallet wood garden walkway

Tutorial via Funky Junk Interiors

2. Wine Bottle Garden Border

Use empty wine bottles to create a unique garden border.

Tutorial via Natural Green Mom

3. Fire Pit

Create a cozy space for outdoor entertaining with a DIY fire pit.

Fire Pit

Tutorial via Keeping it Simple

4. Log Planter

Turn a lopped-off tree into the highlight of your yard by filling it with colorful flowers.

Turn a log into a planter

Tutorial via Mi Espacio Preferido

5. Ladybug Bowling Ball

Turn an old bowling ball into a garden ornament.

Ladybug Bowling Ball

Tutorial via P.Allen Smith

6. Herb Spiral

An herb spiral is a beautiful, aromatic and functional addition to any garden. It utilizes vertical space, which means you can grow more plants in small space.

Herb Spiral

Tutorial via News Prepper

7. Tire Planter

Make a bold statement in your garden with this eye-catching tire planter.

Tutorial via Lemon, Bean and Things

8. Cinder Block Bench

Build a simple garden bench with concrete cinder blocks and wood posts.

Cinder block bench

Tutorial via Somewhat Simple

9. Garden Markers

Wooden spoon garden markers are a fun and cute project you can do to add a little whimsy to your vegetable garden.

Wooden spoon garden markers

Tutorial via Claire Bear Designs

10. Clay Pot Fountain

Create your own fountain and place it anywhere outdoors you’d like to enjoy the relaxing sound of trickling water.

Clay Pot Fountain

Tutorial via Flying Kitten

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