15 Great Homesteading Projects To Make Life Easier

15 Great Homesteading Projects To Make Life Easier

Have some extra time and looking for some cool projects? Look no further. We have complied a list of helpful homesteading projects for preppers you can do at home. All of these projects are low budget, many practically free. You can find the instructions for each project in a link in the description.

1. Hoop Greenhouse for Under $50

Hoop Greenhouse for Under $50

Create an affordable DIY greenhouse and enjoy fresh food all year long! (DIY instructions: The Door Garden)

2. Build Your Own Potato Growing Box

Build Your Own Potato Growing Box

Potatoes planted inside a box with this method can grow up to 100 pounds of potatoes in just 4 square feet. (DIY instructions: Goods Home Design)

3. PVC Tomato Cages

PVC Tomato Cages

Use PVC pipe to make a durable tomato cage that will last for years and support all your tomato plants. (DIY instructions: Instructables)

4. Smokehouse From Pallets for Less than $100

Smokehouse From Pallets for Less than $100

If you like smoked meat, but you would like to have more control over the entire smoking process, you can build your very own smoker using recycled wood pallets and some aluminum roofing material. (DIY instructions: DIY Ready)

5. Make a Food Storage Shelf

Food Storage Shelf

This handy shelf is perfect for storing all sorts of fruits and vegetables. (DIY instructions: Ana White)

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